See Directions for the list of directions.
To get the Texinfo tree unit special element associated with
a special element direction, such as ‘About’ or ‘Contents’,
use special_direction_element
\%special_element =
$converter->special_direction_element ($direction)
¶Return the special element associated with direction $direction, or
if the direction is not a special element direction or the special
element is not output.
To get the Texinfo tree unit element associated with other global element
directions, such as ‘Top’ or ‘Index’, use
\%element =
$converter->global_direction_element ($direction)
¶Return the Texinfo tree unit element corresponding to direction
$direction, or undef
if the direction is not a global direction.
To get link information for relative and global
directions, use from_element_direction
$result =
$converter->from_element_direction ($direction, $type, $source_element, $source_filename, $source_command)
¶Return a string for linking to $direction, or the information to be used for a hyperlink to $direction, depending on $type. The possible values for $type are described in Element Direction Information Type.
$source_element is the tree unit element the link comes from. If not set, the current tree unit element is used. $source_filename is the file the link comes from. If not set, the current file name is used. $source_command is an optional argument, the @-command the link comes from. It is only used for messages.