
The descriptions of mime-type actions are kept in files with the extension .mime. These files are found in some applications and also in the gnome-libs/gnome-data directory. The format is:

Example 1. Sample keys with localization support

	                  open=command %f
	                  open.tag1.Do this and that=this-and-that %f
	                  [es]open.tag1.Hacer esto y aquello=this and that %f
	                  open.tag2.Gzip it=gzip %f
	                  [es]open.tag2.Comprimir con gzip=gzip %f
	                  open.tag3.Mail it=mail %{Recipient} < %f
	                  [es]open.tag3.Enviarlo por correo=mail %{Recipient} < %f
	                  open.tag4.Example=example %f