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1.25.2 BLOX.BList: widget protocol


Answer a DirectedMessage that is sent when the active item in the receiver changes, or nil if none has been set up.

callback: aReceiver message: aSymbol

Set up so that aReceiver is sent the aSymbol message (the name of a selector with at most two arguemtnts) when the active item in the receiver changegs. If the method accepts two arguments, the receiver is passed as the first parameter. If the method accepts one or two arguments, the selected index is passed as the last parameter.

highlight: index

Highlight the item at the given position in the listbox.


Generate a synthetic callback.

select: index

Highlight the item at the given position in the listbox, without unhighlighting other items. This is meant for multiple- or extended-mode listboxes, but can be used with other selection mode in particular cases.

show: index

Ensure that the item at the given position in the listbox is visible.


Unhighlight all the items in the listbox.

unselect: index

Unhighlight the item at the given position in the listbox, without affecting the state of the other items.