Up: BLOX.BEmbeddedImage   [Index]

1.16.1 BLOX.BEmbeddedImage: accessing

copyInto: aBlox

Answer a new BCanvasObject identical to this but displayed into another canvas, newCanvas. The new instance is not created at the time it is returned.


Answer the data of the image. The result will be a String containing image data either as Base-64 encoded GIF data, as XPM data, or as PPM data.

data: aString

Set the data of the image. aString may contain the data either as Base-64 encoded GIF data, as XPM data, or as PPM data. No changes are visible until you toggle a redraw using the appropriate method.


Force the object to be displayed in the parent canvas, creating it if it has not been inserted for real in the parent, and refresh its position and image data if it has changed.