Up: BLOX.BBoundingBox [Index]
Answer a Rectangle enclosing all of the receiver
Answer the center point of the receiver
Move the object so that it is centered around the center Point and its size is given by the extent Point. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.
Answer the Point specifying the lower-right corner of the receiver
Set the Point specifying the lower-right corner of the receiver; pointOrArray can be a Point or a two-item Array. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.
Answer a Point specifying the size of the receiver
Set the Point specifying the size of the receiver; pointOrArray can be a Point or a two-item Array. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.
Move the object by the amount indicated by pointOrArray: that is, its whole bounding box is shifted by that amount. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.
Answer the Point specifying the top-left corner of the receiver
Set the Point specifying the top-left corner of the receiver; pointOrArray can be a Point or a two-item Array. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.
Set the bounding box of the object, based on a Point specifying the top-left corner of the receiver and another specifying the bottom-right corner; the two parameters can both be Points or two-item Arrays. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.
Set the bounding box of the object, based on a Point specifying the top-left corner of the receiver and another specifying its size; the two parameters can both be Points or two-item Arrays. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.
Up: BLOX.BBoundingBox [Index]