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1.3.1 BLOX.BBoundingBox: accessing


Answer a Rectangle enclosing all of the receiver


Answer the center point of the receiver

center: center extent: extent

Move the object so that it is centered around the center Point and its size is given by the extent Point. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.


Answer the Point specifying the lower-right corner of the receiver

corner: pointOrArray

Set the Point specifying the lower-right corner of the receiver; pointOrArray can be a Point or a two-item Array. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.


Answer a Point specifying the size of the receiver

extent: pointOrArray

Set the Point specifying the size of the receiver; pointOrArray can be a Point or a two-item Array. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.

moveBy: pointOrArray

Move the object by the amount indicated by pointOrArray: that is, its whole bounding box is shifted by that amount. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.


Answer the Point specifying the top-left corner of the receiver

origin: pointOrArray

Set the Point specifying the top-left corner of the receiver; pointOrArray can be a Point or a two-item Array. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.

origin: originPointOrArray corner: cornerPointOrArray

Set the bounding box of the object, based on a Point specifying the top-left corner of the receiver and another specifying the bottom-right corner; the two parameters can both be Points or two-item Arrays. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.

origin: originPointOrArray extent: extentPointOrArray

Set the bounding box of the object, based on a Point specifying the top-left corner of the receiver and another specifying its size; the two parameters can both be Points or two-item Arrays. No changes take place until you invoke the #create (if the object has not been inserted in the canvas yet) or the #redraw method.

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