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String is an arbitrary string of characters. Any input token consisting of letters of Latin alphabet, decimal digits, underscores dashes and dots and starting with a Latin alphabet letter or underscores is considered a string. To input strings containing other letters, surround them by double quotes. The following are valid strings:

"String, containing white space"

The double quote character `"' must be preceeded by a backslash `\' if it is part of a string:

"Always quote \" character"

Generally speaking, `\' is an escape character, that alters the meaning of the immediately following character. If it is located at the end of the line, it allows to input newline character to strings:

"This string contains a \
newline character."

Other special escape sequences are:

Audible bell character (ASCII 7)
Backspace (ASCII 8)
Escape character (ASCII 27)
Form feed (ASCII 12)
Newline (ASCII 10)
Carriage return (ASCII 13)
Horizontal tab (ASCII 9)
(`o' represents an octal digit) A character whose ASCII value is represented by the octal number `ooo'.
(`H' represents a hex digit) A character whose ASCII value is represented by the hex number `HH'.

If the character following the backslash is not one of those specified, the backslash is ignored.

An important variant of string is a numeric string, or STRNUM for short. A numeric string is a string that can be converted to a number, for example "+2". This concept is used for type conversion between integer and string values.

Another way to represent strings is using here document syntax. Its format is as follows:


Delimiter is any word you choose to delimit the text, text represent the text of the string. If delimiter is prepended by a dash, any leading tabulation characters will be removed from text. This allows for natural indentation of `here document' constructs.

The `here document' construct is especially useful to represent strings containing embedded newlines, as shown in the example below:

print <<EOT
usage: foo [OPTIONS] [NAME...]
  -h            Print this help list.

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