
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*-
00002  * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
00003  *
00004  * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
00005  *      Sleepycat Software.  All rights reserved.
00006  */
00008 #include "config.h"
00010 #ifndef lint
00011 static const char revid[] = "$Id: db__salloc_8c-source.html,v 1.1 2008/06/08 10:18:16 sebdiaz Exp $";
00012 #endif /* not lint */
00014 #ifndef NO_SYSTEM_INCLUDES
00015 #include <sys/types.h>
00017 #include <errno.h>
00018 #include <stdlib.h>
00019 #include <string.h>
00020 #endif
00022 #include "db_int.h"
00024 /*
00025  * Implement shared memory region allocation, using simple first-fit algorithm.
00026  * The model is that we take a "chunk" of shared memory store and begin carving
00027  * it up into areas, similarly to how malloc works.  We do coalescing on free.
00028  *
00029  * The "len" field in the __data struct contains the length of the free region
00030  * (less the size_t bytes that holds the length).  We use the address provided
00031  * by the caller to find this length, which allows us to free a chunk without
00032  * requiring that the caller pass in the length of the chunk they're freeing.
00033  */
00034 SH_LIST_HEAD(__head);
00035 struct __data {
00036         size_t len;
00037         SH_LIST_ENTRY links;
00038 };
00040 /*
00041  * CDB___db_shalloc_init --
00042  *      Initialize the area as one large chunk.
00043  *
00044  * PUBLIC: void CDB___db_shalloc_init __P((void *, size_t));
00045  */
00046 void
00047 CDB___db_shalloc_init(area, size)
00048         void *area;
00049         size_t size;
00050 {
00051         struct __data *elp;
00052         struct __head *hp;
00054         hp = area;
00055         SH_LIST_INIT(hp);
00057         elp = (struct __data *)(hp + 1);
00058         elp->len = size - sizeof(struct __head) - sizeof(elp->len);
00059         SH_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(hp, elp, links, __data);
00060 }
00062 /*
00063  * CDB___db_shalloc --
00064  *      Allocate some space from the shared region.
00065  *
00066  * PUBLIC: int CDB___db_shalloc __P((void *, size_t, size_t, void *));
00067  */
00068 int
00069 CDB___db_shalloc(p, len, align, retp)
00070         void *p, *retp;
00071         size_t len, align;
00072 {
00073         struct __data *elp;
00074         size_t *sp;
00075         void *rp;
00077         /* Never allocate less than the size of a struct __data. */
00078         if (len < sizeof(struct __data))
00079                 len = sizeof(struct __data);
00081 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
00082         /* Add room for a guard byte. */
00083         ++len;
00084 #endif
00086         /* Never align to less than a db_align_t boundary. */
00087         if (align <= sizeof(db_align_t))
00088                 align = sizeof(db_align_t);
00090         /* Walk the list, looking for a slot. */
00091         for (elp = SH_LIST_FIRST((struct __head *)p, __data);
00092             elp != NULL;
00093             elp = SH_LIST_NEXT(elp, links, __data)) {
00094                 /*
00095                  * Calculate the value of the returned pointer if we were to
00096                  * use this chunk.
00097                  *      + Find the end of the chunk.
00098                  *      + Subtract the memory the user wants.
00099                  *      + Find the closest previous correctly-aligned address.
00100                  */
00101                 rp = (u_int8_t *)elp + sizeof(size_t) + elp->len;
00102                 rp = (u_int8_t *)rp - len;
00103                 rp = (u_int8_t *)((db_alignp_t)rp & ~(align - 1));
00105                 /*
00106                  * Rp may now point before elp->links, in which case the chunk
00107                  * was too small, and we have to try again.
00108                  */
00109                 if ((u_int8_t *)rp < (u_int8_t *)&elp->links)
00110                         continue;
00112                 *(void **)retp = rp;
00113 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
00114                 /*
00115                  * At this point, whether or not we still need to split up a
00116                  * chunk, retp is the address of the region we are returning,
00117                  * and (u_int8_t *)elp + sizeof(size_t) + elp->len gives us
00118                  * the address of the first byte after the end of the chunk.
00119                  * Make the byte immediately before that the guard byte.
00120                  */
00121                 *((u_int8_t *)elp + sizeof(size_t) + elp->len - 1) = GUARD_BYTE;
00122 #endif
00124 #define SHALLOC_FRAGMENT        32
00125                 /*
00126                  * If there are at least SHALLOC_FRAGMENT additional bytes of
00127                  * memory, divide the chunk into two chunks.
00128                  */
00129                 if ((u_int8_t *)rp >=
00130                     (u_int8_t *)&elp->links + SHALLOC_FRAGMENT) {
00131                         sp = rp;
00132                         *--sp = elp->len -
00133                             ((u_int8_t *)rp - (u_int8_t *)&elp->links);
00134                         elp->len -= *sp + sizeof(size_t);
00135                         return (0);
00136                 }
00138                 /*
00139                  * Otherwise, we return the entire chunk, wasting some amount
00140                  * of space to keep the list compact.  However, because the
00141                  * address we're returning to the user may not be the address
00142                  * of the start of the region for alignment reasons, set the
00143                  * size_t length fields back to the "real" length field to a
00144                  * flag value, so that we can find the real length during free.
00145                  */
00146 #define ILLEGAL_SIZE    1
00147                 SH_LIST_REMOVE(elp, links, __data);
00148                 for (sp = rp; (u_int8_t *)--sp >= (u_int8_t *)&elp->links;)
00149                         *sp = ILLEGAL_SIZE;
00150                 return (0);
00151         }
00153         return (ENOMEM);
00154 }
00156 /*
00157  * CDB___db_shalloc_free --
00158  *      Free a shared memory allocation.
00159  *
00160  * PUBLIC: void CDB___db_shalloc_free __P((void *, void *));
00161  */
00162 void
00163 CDB___db_shalloc_free(regionp, ptr)
00164         void *regionp, *ptr;
00165 {
00166         struct __data *elp, *lastp, *newp;
00167         struct __head *hp;
00168         size_t free_size, *sp;
00169         int merged;
00171         /*
00172          * Step back over flagged length fields to find the beginning of
00173          * the object and its real size.
00174          */
00175         for (sp = (size_t *)ptr; sp[-1] == ILLEGAL_SIZE; --sp)
00176                 ;
00177         ptr = sp;
00179         newp = (struct __data *)((u_int8_t *)ptr - sizeof(size_t));
00180         free_size = newp->len;
00182 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
00183         /*
00184          * The "real size" includes the guard byte;  it's just the last
00185          * byte in the chunk, and the caller never knew it existed.
00186          *
00187          * Check it to make sure it hasn't been stomped.
00188          */
00189         if (*((u_int8_t *)ptr + free_size - 1) != GUARD_BYTE) {
00190                 /*
00191                  * Eventually, once we push a DB_ENV handle down to these
00192                  * routines, we should use the standard output channels.
00193                  */
00194                 fprintf(stderr,
00195                     "Guard byte incorrect during shared memory free.\n");
00196                 abort();
00197                 /* NOTREACHED */
00198         }
00200         /* Trash the returned memory (including guard byte). */
00201         memset(ptr, CLEAR_BYTE, free_size);
00202 #endif
00204         /*
00205          * Walk the list, looking for where this entry goes.
00206          *
00207          * We keep the free list sorted by address so that coalescing is
00208          * trivial.
00209          *
00210          * XXX
00211          * Probably worth profiling this to see how expensive it is.
00212          */
00213         hp = (struct __head *)regionp;
00214         for (elp = SH_LIST_FIRST(hp, __data), lastp = NULL;
00215             elp != NULL && (void *)elp < (void *)ptr;
00216             lastp = elp, elp = SH_LIST_NEXT(elp, links, __data))
00217                 ;
00219         /*
00220          * Elp is either NULL (we reached the end of the list), or the slot
00221          * after the one that's being returned.  Lastp is either NULL (we're
00222          * returning the first element of the list) or the element before the
00223          * one being returned.
00224          *
00225          * Check for coalescing with the next element.
00226          */
00227         merged = 0;
00228         if ((u_int8_t *)ptr + free_size == (u_int8_t *)elp) {
00229                 newp->len += elp->len + sizeof(size_t);
00230                 SH_LIST_REMOVE(elp, links, __data);
00231                 if (lastp != NULL)
00232                         SH_LIST_INSERT_AFTER(lastp, newp, links, __data);
00233                 else
00234                         SH_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(hp, newp, links, __data);
00235                 merged = 1;
00236         }
00238         /* Check for coalescing with the previous element. */
00239         if (lastp != NULL && (u_int8_t *)lastp +
00240             lastp->len + sizeof(size_t) == (u_int8_t *)newp) {
00241                 lastp->len += newp->len + sizeof(size_t);
00243                 /*
00244                  * If we have already put the new element into the list take
00245                  * it back off again because it's just been merged with the
00246                  * previous element.
00247                  */
00248                 if (merged)
00249                         SH_LIST_REMOVE(newp, links, __data);
00250                 merged = 1;
00251         }
00253         if (!merged) {
00254                 if (lastp == NULL)
00255                         SH_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(hp, newp, links, __data);
00256                 else
00257                         SH_LIST_INSERT_AFTER(lastp, newp, links, __data);
00258         }
00259 }
00261 /*
00262  * CDB___db_shalloc_count --
00263  *      Return the amount of memory on the free list.
00264  *
00265  * PUBLIC: size_t CDB___db_shalloc_count __P((void *));
00266  */
00267 size_t
00268 CDB___db_shalloc_count(addr)
00269         void *addr;
00270 {
00271         struct __data *elp;
00272         size_t count;
00274         count = 0;
00275         for (elp = SH_LIST_FIRST((struct __head *)addr, __data);
00276             elp != NULL;
00277             elp = SH_LIST_NEXT(elp, links, __data))
00278                 count += elp->len;
00280         return (count);
00281 }
00283 /*
00284  * CDB___db_shsizeof --
00285  *      Return the size of a shalloc'd piece of memory.
00286  *
00287  * !!!
00288  * Note that this is from an internal standpoint -- it includes not only
00289  * the size of the memory being used, but also the extra alignment bytes
00290  * in front and, #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC, the guard byte at the end.
00291  *
00292  * PUBLIC: size_t CDB___db_shsizeof __P((void *));
00293  */
00294 size_t
00295 CDB___db_shsizeof(ptr)
00296         void *ptr;
00297 {
00298         struct __data *elp;
00299         size_t *sp;
00301         /*
00302          * Step back over flagged length fields to find the beginning of
00303          * the object and its real size.
00304          */
00305         for (sp = (size_t *)ptr; sp[-1] == ILLEGAL_SIZE; --sp)
00306                 ;
00308         elp = (struct __data *)((u_int8_t *)sp - sizeof(size_t));
00309         return (elp->len);
00310 }
00312 /*
00313  * CDB___db_shalloc_dump --
00314  *
00315  * PUBLIC: void CDB___db_shalloc_dump __P((void *, FILE *));
00316  */
00317 void
00318 CDB___db_shalloc_dump(addr, fp)
00319         void *addr;
00320         FILE *fp;
00321 {
00322         struct __data *elp;
00324         /* Make it easy to call from the debugger. */
00325         if (fp == NULL)
00326                 fp = stderr;
00328         fprintf(fp, "%s\nMemory free list\n", DB_LINE);
00330         for (elp = SH_LIST_FIRST((struct __head *)addr, __data);
00331             elp != NULL;
00332             elp = SH_LIST_NEXT(elp, links, __data))
00333                 fprintf(fp, "%#lx: %lu\t", (u_long)elp, (u_long)elp->len);
00334         fprintf(fp, "\n");
00335 }

Generated on Sun Jun 8 10:56:36 2008 for GNUmifluz by  doxygen 1.5.5