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In the “Search” window, “Nutrient Search” can be selected:. This asks for the food groups, to maximize/minimize nutrient composition per various measurement units, the number of foods to list, along with the nutrients to maximize and minimize. Both the maximize and minimize section asks for the name of the nutrient and constraints.

Foods are selected by their nutrient content. “Content” can be assessed by grams (weight), or calories (energy).

You can maximise nutrients, selecting foods rich in those nutrients, or minimise nutrients, selecting foods low in that nutrient.

The “constraint” refers to a weighting given to each nutrient in computing its score. So nutrient with a constraint of 3 will be three times as important in calculating the score, as one with a constraint of 1.

The minimised nutrients have a negative constraint, as they subtract from the score. The search gives the foods with the highest score by this method.

The foods are displayed in a tree as for the “Search by Name” box.