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A.4 The arch Changeset Format

An arch changeset is a directory containing a number of files and subdirectories. Each is described below.




             <file path><tab><id>


             sort -k 2

These contain indexes for all files and directories added, removed, or modified between the two trees.






             sort -t '<tab>' -k 2

The field <metadata> contains literal output from the program file-metadata given the options --permissions. Some example output is:

             --permissions 777

That output is also suitable for use as options and option arguments to the program set-file-metadata. Future releases arch might add additional flags (beside just permissions).

The list records the file permissions for all directories present in only one of the two trees.



Each of these directories contains complete copies of all files that occur in only the original tree (removed-files-archive) or modified tree (new-files-archive). Each saved file is archived at the same relative location it had in its source tree, with permissions (at least) preserved.



This directory contains a tree whose directory structure is a subset of the directory structure of the modified tree. It contains modification data for directories and files common to both trees.

For a file stored in the modified tree at the path new_name, the patches directory may contain:


                     The original file is a symbolic link.
                     `' is a text file containing the
                     target of that link plus a final newline.

                     This file is only present if link target has changed,
                     or if the link was replaced by a regular file.


                     The modified file is a symbolic link and this file
                     is a text file containing the target for the link plus
                     a final newline.

                     This file is only present if the link target has
                     changed, or if the link replaces a regular file.


                     This is a complete copy of the file from the original
                     tree, preserving (at least) permissions.

                     This file is only present if the file was replaced by
                     a symbolic link, or if the file contents can not be
                     handled by `diff(1)'.


                     This is a complete copy of the file from the modified
                     tree, preserving (at least) permissions.

                     This file is only present if the file replaces a
                     symbolic link, or if the file contents can not be
                     handled by `diff(1)'.


                     This is a standard context diff between the original
                     file and modified file.  One popular version of diff
                     (`GNU diff') generates non-standard context diffs by
                     omitting one copy of lines of context that are
                     identical between the original and modified file, so
                     for now, `.patch' files may have the same bug.
                     Fortunately, the only popular version of `patch'
                     (``GNU patch'') is tolerant of receiving such input.


                     File metadata (currently only permissions) changed
                     between the two versions of the file.  These files
                     contain output from the `file-metadata' program with
                     the flags `--symlink --permissions', suitable for
                     comparison to similar output, and for use as options
                     and option arguments to `set-file-metadata'.

                     These files are also included if a regular file has
                     replaced a symbolic link or vice versa.


                     Directory metadata (currently only permissions) changed
                     between the two versions of the directory containing
                     these files.  These files contain output from the
                     `file-metadata' program with the flags `--symlink
                     --permissions', suitable for comparison to similar
                     output, and for use as options and option arguments to

Note: If a regular file (or symbolic link) replaces a directory, or vice versa, this is recorded as a file (or link) removed (or added) in one tree and added (or removed) in the other.