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RE: gnatsd output question

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Marcus Williams wrote:

> I'd tend to agree with Rick Macdonald that the lock messages are
> internal to Gnats so dont need to be displayed (unless they fail).
> It may be worth doing something like the FTP specs (RFC 0959?) say and
> wrap the three messages inside a multiline result so it becomes (from
> what I remember of the RFC):
> subm
> 211 Ok.
> .
> 210- GNATS database is now locked
> 402- Failure reading header
> 210- GNATS database is now unlocked
> The trailing dash after the result code indicates a multiline
> continuation. However, this is wrong as well as we're only interested
> in the 402 in the middle so it probably should be
> subm
> 211 Ok.
> .
> 402- GNATS database is now locked
> 402- Failure reading header
> 402- GNATS database is now unlocked
> Since you can only tell that theres a header error by reading the full
> message, maybe more error codes should be added so then we can
> exchange 402 for whatever the code is for "Failure reading header".
> The multiline reply is then only for interactive/information purposes.

Well, the multiline is better than three separate ones but I still would
vote to not show the lock/unlock at all. If a submission fails because the
internal lock fails, there should still be just one line. Something like

402 - Failure locking GNATS database

Think about a successful submission. Nobody needs to see

210- GNATS database is now locked
210- PR added
210- GNATS database is now unlocked


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