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Re: Gnatsweb help

At 12:44 23.07.01 +0530, S Ramesh wrote:
>I have installed gnats 3.113.1 and gnatsweb 2.8.2 in a server. now i have
>done with instaalation.. i could able to send and edit PR from web. but the
>problem is how to configure it.
>1. i gnatsd.access i have a username and passwd for a user with accessleve
>and dbase alias name.  now when a user creates a PR his reporters mail id
>field is filled by him and he can give any email id. how to restrict this
>stuff. is there any possiblity of having unix username and passwd
>associated with gnatsd.access user name and passwd.

In, you could remove the field from the form and instead have 
it sent with the form as a hidden value. The modification should be fairly 
straightforward if you know a little bit about HTML forms.

>2. once logged in thru web from a browser froma machine the last login
>remains even if we kill the browser. so once logged in the cookies get
>enables. how to make it to ask every time for username and passwd.

One way would of course be to run an OS where cookies are kept private to 
each user. However, I will probably add a "logout" button to the main page 
shortly. This will clear the current login cookie and leave you at the 
login screen afterwards. I'll just have to reach a conclusion in a debate 
with myself over whether the Login Again button should simply have its name 
changed and behaviour slightly modified, or whether we need an all-new button.

A logout button will definitely appear in Gnatsweb 4, but it should be easy 
to port, so it will quite likely also appear in a new Gnatsweb 2.8.x release.

Yngve Svendsen
Gnatsweb maintainer

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