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4.11.2 Formatting

Values can be formatted for printing in a variety of ways. The format in which a variable is printed is associated with the variable and consists of a printf styled formatting string (with extensions for specifying the units of the numerical values as well). E.g., if x=75pm10, by default x will be printed using the '\%10.5f' format. The default print format can be modified using the '.' operator on a variable. E.g., one can fix the default print format of x to '%5.2f' by x.=%5.2f.

The print format of a value can also be temporarily modified by specifying the format along with the variable/value. E.g. the value of x can be printed in the exponent format as print x%E or in the in hexadecimal format as print x%x.

An extra formatting, not available in printf formatting, is that of printing the individual bit values using the %b format. With this, the value is printed in binary (1 or 0) format. %B does the same thing except that it prints a space after every 8 bits. The value is caste into a unsigned long integer before printing.

        00000000 00000000 00000000 00001010

If the units of a value are specified, the print format is also appropriately modified. If a variable has units of time or angle, its print format is automatically set to %hms or %dms and are printed in the XXhXXmXX.XXs and XXdXX'XX.XX" styles respectively.