Next: Widgets Basics, Previous: User Interface, Up: The Emacs Widget Library [Contents][Index]
Here is the code to implement the user interface example (see User Interface).
(require 'widget) (eval-when-compile (require 'wid-edit)) (defvar widget-example-repeat) (defun widget-example () "Create the widgets from the Widget manual." (interactive) (switch-to-buffer "*Widget Example*") (kill-all-local-variables) (make-local-variable 'widget-example-repeat) (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer)) (remove-overlays) (widget-insert "Here is some documentation.\n\n") (widget-create 'editable-field :size 13 :format "Name: %v " ; Text after the field! "My Name") (widget-create 'menu-choice :tag "Choose" :value "This" :help-echo "Choose me, please!" :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore) (message "%s is a good choice!" (widget-value widget))) '(item :tag "This option" :value "This") '(choice-item "That option") '(editable-field :menu-tag "No option" "Thus option")) (widget-create 'editable-field :format "Address: %v" "Some Place\nIn some City\nSome country.") (widget-insert "\nSee also ") (widget-create 'link :notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (widget-value-set widget-example-repeat '("En" "To" "Tre")) (widget-setup)) "other work") (widget-insert " for more information.\n\nNumbers: count to three below\n") (setq widget-example-repeat (widget-create 'editable-list :entry-format "%i %d %v" :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore) (let ((old (widget-get widget ':example-length)) (new (length (widget-value widget)))) (unless (eq old new) (widget-put widget ':example-length new) (message "You can count to %d." new)))) :value '("One" "Eh, two?" "Five!") '(editable-field :value "three"))) (widget-insert "\n\nSelect multiple:\n\n") (widget-create 'checkbox t) (widget-insert " This\n") (widget-create 'checkbox nil) (widget-insert " That\n") (widget-create 'checkbox :notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (message "Tickle")) t) (widget-insert " Thus\n\nSelect one:\n\n") (widget-create 'radio-button-choice :value "One" :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore) (message "You selected %s" (widget-value widget))) '(item "One") '(item "Another One.") '(item "A Final One.")) (widget-insert "\n") (widget-create 'push-button :notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (if (= (length (widget-value widget-example-repeat)) 3) (message "Congratulation!") (error "Three was the count!"))) "Apply Form") (widget-insert " ") (widget-create 'push-button :notify (lambda (&rest ignore) (widget-example)) "Reset Form") (widget-insert "\n") (use-local-map widget-keymap) (widget-setup))
Next: Widgets Basics, Previous: User Interface, Up: The Emacs Widget Library [Contents][Index]