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2.9 Modifying Commands

In this section, commands for modifying the content of a buffer are described. These commands affect the region determined by a motion command which is given to the commands as their argument.

We classify motion commands into point commands and line commands. The point commands are as follows:

h, l, 0, ^, $, w, W, b, B, e, E, (, ), /, ?, `, f, F, t, T, %, ;, ,

The line commands are as follows:

j, k, +, -, H, M, L, {, }, G, '

If a point command is given as an argument to a modifying command, the region determined by the point command will be affected by the modifying command. On the other hand, if a line command is given as an argument to a modifying command, the region determined by the line command will be enlarged so that it will become the smallest region properly containing the region and consisting of whole lines (we call this process expanding the region), and then the enlarged region will be affected by the modifying command.