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An easy way to customize VIP is to change the values of constants used in VIP. Here is the list of the constants used in VIP and their default values.
vip-shift-width 8
The number of columns shifted by > and < command.
vip-re-replace nil
If t
then do regexp replace, if nil
then do string replace.
vip-search-wrap-around t
If t
, search wraps around the buffer.
vip-re-search nil
If t
then search is reg-exp search, if nil
then vanilla
vip-case-fold-search nil
If t
search ignores cases.
vip-re-query-replace nil
If t
then do reg-exp replace in query replace.
vip-open-with-indent nil
If t
then indent to the previous current line when open a new line
by o or O command.
vip-tags-file-name "TAGS"
The name of the file used as the tags table.
vip-help-in-insert-mode nil
If t
then C-h is bound to help-command
in insert mode,
if nil
then it sis bound to delete-backward-char
You can reset these constants in VIP by the Ex command set. Or you can include a line like this in your ~/.emacs.d/vip file:
(setq vip-case-fold-search t)