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4.1.2 Language and Encoding Preferences

HTTP allows clients to express preferences for the language and encoding of documents which servers may honor. For each of these variables, the value is a string; it can specify a single choice, or it can be a comma-separated list.

Normally, this list is ordered by descending preference. However, each element can be followed by ‘;q=priority’ to specify its preference level, a decimal number from 0 to 1; e.g., for url-mime-language-string, "de, en-gb;q=0.8, en;q=0.7". An element that has no ‘;q’ specification has preference level 1.

User Option: url-mime-charset-string

This variable specifies a preference for character sets when documents can be served in more than one encoding.

HTTP allows specifying a series of MIME charsets which indicate your preferred character set encodings, e.g., Latin-9 or Big5, and these can be weighted. The default series is generated automatically from the associated MIME types of all defined coding systems, sorted by the coding system priority specified in Emacs. See Recognizing Coding Systems in The GNU Emacs Manual.

User Option: url-mime-language-string

A string specifying the preferred language when servers can serve files in several languages. Use RFC 1766 abbreviations, e.g., ‘en’ for English, ‘de’ for German.

The string can be "*" to get the first available language (as opposed to the default).