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SRecode builds and maintains a map of all template files. The root template files resides in the SRecode distribution. User written templates files are saved in ~/.srecode, along with the SRecode map file.
The save location for SRecode’s map file.
Template files end with a .srt extension. Details on how to write templates are in Template Writing.
Each template file you write is dedicated to a single major mode. In it, you can write templates within the same context and with the same name as core templates. You can force your templates to override the core templates for a particular major mode by setting the priority. See Special Variables.
To get going quickly, open a new .srt file. It will start in
the SRecode template writing mode. Use the SRecode minor mode
menu to insert the empty
file template.
When using templates in other modes (such as C++ or Emacs Lisp templates), use the “Edit Template” menu to find a template you would like to update. Copy it into your user template file, and change it.
If you were to update declaration:function
in your user
template file, then you would get this new template instead of the one
that comes with SRecode. Higher level applications should always
use declaration:function
when generating their own code, so
higher level templates will then adopt your changes to
into themselves.
You can also override variables. Core variables are stored in the
SRecode root template file, and that contains
the copyright usually used, and some basic file setup formats.
Override variables like this by specifying a mode
like this:
set mode "default"
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