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Each template belongs to a context. When prompting for a template by
name, such as with C-c / /, the name is prefixed by the current
context. If there is no context, it defaults to declaration
You can change context like this:
context NAME
where name is some symbol that represents any context.
A context resides over all templates that come after it until the next context statement. Thus:
context C1 template foo "Foo template in C1" ---- ---- context C2 template foo "Foo template in C2" ---- ----
creates two foo
templates. The first one is when in context
C1. The second is available in context C2.
This is useful if there are multiple ways to declare something like a
function or variable that differ only by where it is in the syntax of
the language. The name foo
is not ambiguous because each is in
a different context.