Next: Argument Resolution, Previous: Setting Dictionary Values, Up: Dictionaries [Index]
If you want to associate a non-string value with a dictionary variable, then you will need to use a compound value. Compound dictionary values are derived using EIEIO from a base class for handling arbitrary data in a macro.
A compound dictionary value. Values stored in a dictionary must be a string, a dictionary for showing sections, or an instance of a subclass of this class.
Compound dictionary values derive from this class, and must provide a sequence of method implementations to convert into a string.
Your new subclass of the compound value needs to implement these methods:
Convert the compound dictionary value cp to a string.
If function is non-nil
, then function is somehow applied to an aspect
of the compound value. The function could be a fraction
of some function symbol with a logical prefix excluded.
The next method is for dumping out tables during debugging.
Display information about this compound value.
Here is an example of wrapping a semantic tag in a compound value:
(defclass srecode-semantic-tag (srecode-dictionary-compound-value) ((prime :initarg :prime :type semantic-tag :documentation "This is the primary insertion tag.") ) "Wrap up a collection of semantic tag information. This class will be used to derive dictionary values.") (cl-defmethod srecode-compound-toString ((cp srecode-semantic-tag) function dictionary) "Convert the compound dictionary value CP to a string. If FUNCTION is non-nil, then FUNCTION is somehow applied to an aspect of the compound value." (if (not function) ;; Just format it in some handy dandy way. (semantic-format-tag-prototype (oref cp :prime)) ;; Otherwise, apply the function to the tag itself. (funcall function (oref cp :prime)) ))
Next: Argument Resolution, Previous: Setting Dictionary Values, Up: Dictionaries [Index]