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A step (sasl-step
object) is an abstraction of authentication
“step” which holds the response value and the next entry point for the
authentication process (the latter is not accessible).
Return the data which step holds, a string.
Store data string to step.
To get the initial response, you should call the function
with the second argument nil
(setq name (sasl-mechanism-name mechanism))
At this point we could send the command which starts a SASL authentication protocol exchange. For example,
(process-send-string process (if (sasl-step-data step) ;initial response (format "AUTH %s %s\r\n" name (base64-encode-string (sasl-step-data step) t)) (format "AUTH %s\r\n" name)))
To go on with the authentication process, all you have to do is call
Perform the authentication step.
At the first time step should be set to nil