15.1 Citations ¶
Before adding citations, first set one-or-more bibliographies, either
globally with org-cite-global-bibliography
, or locally using one or
more “bibliography” keywords.
#+bibliography: SomeFile.bib
#+bibliography: /some/other/file.json
#+bibliography: "/some/file/with spaces/in its name.bib"
One can then insert and edit citations using org-cite-insert
, called
with C-c C-x @.
A citation requires one or more citation key(s), elements
identifying a reference in the bibliography.
- Each citation is surrounded by brackets and uses the ‘cite’ type.
- Each key starts with the character ‘@’.
- Each key can be qualified by a prefix (e.g. “see ”) and/or
a suffix (e.g. “p. 123”), giving information useful or necessary
for the comprehension of the citation but not included in the
- A single citation can cite more than one reference ; the keys are
separated by semicolons ; the formatting of such citation groups is
specified by the style.
- One can also specify a stylistic variation for the citations by
inserting a ‘/’ and a style name between the ‘cite’ keyword and the
colon; this usually makes sense only for the author-year styles.
[cite/style:common prefix ;prefix @key suffix; ... ; common suffix]
The only mandatory elements are:
- The ‘cite’ keyword and the colon.
- The ‘@’ character immediately preceding each key.
- The brackets surrounding the citation(s) (group).