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4 Customization options

The Modus themes are highly configurable, though they should work well without any further tweaks. We provide a variety of user options. The following code block provides an overview. In addition to those variables, the themes support a comprehensive system of overrides: it can be used to make thoroughgoing changes to the looks of the themes (Option for palette overrides). We document everything at length in the pages of this manual and also provide ready-to-use code samples.

Remember that all customization options must be evaluated before loading a theme (Enable and load). If the theme is already active, it must be reloaded for changes to take effect.

;; In all of the following, WEIGHT is a symbol such as `semibold',
;; `light', `bold', or anything mentioned in `modus-themes-weights'.
(setq modus-themes-italic-constructs t
      modus-themes-bold-constructs nil
      modus-themes-mixed-fonts t
      modus-themes-variable-pitch-ui nil
      modus-themes-custom-auto-reload t
      modus-themes-disable-other-themes t

      ;; Options for `modus-themes-prompts' are either nil (the
      ;; default), or a list of properties that may include any of those
      ;; symbols: `italic', `WEIGHT'
      modus-themes-prompts '(italic bold)

      ;; The `modus-themes-completions' is an alist that reads two
      ;; keys: `matches', `selection'.  Each accepts a nil value (or
      ;; empty list) or a list of properties that can include any of
      ;; the following (for WEIGHT read further below):
      ;; `matches'   :: `underline', `italic', `WEIGHT'
      ;; `selection' :: `underline', `italic', `WEIGHT'
      '((matches . (extrabold))
        (selection . (semibold italic text-also)))

      modus-themes-org-blocks 'gray-background ; {nil,'gray-background,'tinted-background}

      ;; The `modus-themes-headings' is an alist: read the manual's
      ;; node about it or its doc string.  Basically, it supports
      ;; per-level configurations for the optional use of
      ;; `variable-pitch' typography, a height value as a multiple of
      ;; the base font size (e.g. 1.5), and a `WEIGHT'.
      '((1 . (variable-pitch 1.5))
        (2 . (1.3))
        (agenda-date . (1.3))
        (agenda-structure . (variable-pitch light 1.8))
        (t . (1.1))))

;; Remember that more (MUCH MORE) can be done with overrides, which we
;; document extensively in this manual.

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