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2.8 Various Commands

C-c C-r

Caesar rotate (aka. rot13) the current message (message-caesar-buffer-body). If narrowing is in effect, just rotate the visible portion of the buffer. A numerical prefix says how many places to rotate the text. The default is 13.

C-c C-e

Elide the text between point and mark (message-elide-region). The text is killed and replaced with the contents of the variable message-elide-ellipsis. The default value is to use an ellipsis (‘[...]’).

This is a format-spec string, and you can use ‘%l’ to say how many lines were removed, and ‘%c’ to say how many characters were removed.

C-c M-k

Kill the address under point.

C-c C-z

Kill all the text up to the signature, or if that’s missing, up to the end of the message (message-kill-to-signature).

C-c C-v

Delete all text in the body of the message that is outside the region (message-delete-not-region).


Insert four newlines, and then reformat if inside quoted text.

Here’s an example:

> This is some quoted text.  And here's more quoted text.

If point is before ‘And’ and you press M-RET, you’ll get:

> This is some quoted text.


> And here's more quoted text.

*’ says where point will be placed.

C-c M-r

Rename the buffer (message-rename-buffer). If given a prefix, prompt for a new buffer name.


If message-tab-body-function is non-nil, execute the function it specifies. Otherwise use the function bound to TAB in text-mode-map or global-map.

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