Next: Code Templates, Previous: Routine Source, Up: The IDLWAVE Major Mode [Contents][Index]
The key sequence C-c = calls the command idlwave-resolve
and sends the line ‘RESOLVE_ROUTINE, 'routine_name'’ to IDL
in order to resolve (compile) it. The default routine to be resolved is
taken from context, but you get a chance to edit it. Usually this is
not necessary, since IDL automatically discovers routines on its path.
is one way to get a library module within reach
of IDLWAVE’s routine info collecting functions. A better way is to
keep routine information available in catalogs (see Catalogs).
Routine info on modules will then be available without the need to
compile the modules first, and even without a running shell.
See Sources of Routine Info, for more information on the ways IDLWAVE collects data about routines, and how to update this information.