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9.4.6 nnmairix keyboard shortcuts

In group mode:

G b c

Creates nnmairix server and default search group for this server (nnmairix-create-server-and-default-group). You should have done this by now (see Configuring nnmairix).

G b s

Prompts for query which is then sent to the mairix binary. Search results are put into the default search group which is automatically displayed (nnmairix-search).

G b m

Allows you to create a mairix search or a permanent group more comfortably using graphical widgets, similar to a customization group. Just try it to see how it works (nnmairix-widget-search).

G b i

Another command for creating a mairix query more comfortably, but uses only the minibuffer (nnmairix-search-interactive).

G b g

Creates a permanent group which is associated with a search query (nnmairix-create-search-group). The nnmairix back end automatically calls mairix when you update this group with g or M-g.

G b q

Changes the search query for the nnmairix group under cursor (nnmairix-group-change-query-this-group).

G b t

Toggles the ’threads’ parameter for the nnmairix group under cursor, i.e., if you want see the whole threads of the found messages (nnmairix-group-toggle-threads-this-group).

G b u

Calls mairix binary for updating the database (nnmairix-update-database). The default parameters are -F and -Q for making this as fast as possible (see variable nnmairix-mairix-update-options for defining these default options).

G b r

Keep articles in this nnmairix group always read or unread, or leave the marks unchanged (nnmairix-group-toggle-readmarks-this-group).

G b d

Recreate nnmairix group on the “real” mail back end (nnmairix-group-delete-recreate-this-group). You can do this if you always get wrong article counts with a nnmairix group.

G b a

Toggles the allow-fast parameters for group under cursor (nnmairix-group-toggle-allowfast-this-group). The default behavior of nnmairix is to do a mairix search every time you update or enter the group. With the allow-fast parameter set, mairix will only be called when you explicitly update the group, but not upon entering. This makes entering the group faster, but it may also lead to dangling symlinks if something changed between updating and entering the group which is not yet in the mairix database.

G b p

Toggle marks propagation for this group (nnmairix-group-toggle-propmarks-this-group). (see Propagating marks).

G b o

Manually propagate marks (nnmairix-propagate-marks); needed only when nnmairix-propagate-marks-upon-close is set to nil.

In summary mode:

G G m

Allows you to create a mairix query or group based on the current message using graphical widgets (same as nnmairix-widget-search) (nnmairix-widget-search-from-this-article).

G G g

Interactively creates a new search group with query based on the current message, but uses the minibuffer instead of graphical widgets (nnmairix-create-search-group-from-message).

G G t

Searches thread for the current article (nnmairix-search-thread-this-article). This is effectively a shortcut for calling nnmairix-search with ‘m:msgid’ of the current article and enabled threads.

G G f

Searches all messages from sender of the current article (nnmairix-search-from-this-article). This is a shortcut for calling nnmairix-search with ‘f:From’.

G G o

(Only in nnmairix groups!) Tries to determine the group this article originally came from and displays the article in this group, so that, e.g., replying to this article the correct posting styles/group parameters are applied (nnmairix-goto-original-article). This function will use the registry if available, but can also parse the article file name as a fallback method.

G G u

Remove possibly existing tick mark from original article (nnmairix-remove-tick-mark-original-article). (see nnmairix tips and tricks).

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