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4.27 Various Summary Stuff


If non-nil, show and update the summary buffer as it’s being built. If t, update the buffer after every line is inserted. If the value is an integer, n, update the display every n lines. The default is nil.


If non-nil, display an arrow in the fringe to indicate the current article.


This hook is called when creating a summary mode buffer.


This is called as the last thing before doing the threading and the generation of the summary buffer. It’s quite convenient for customizing the threading variables based on what data the newsgroup has. This hook is called from the summary buffer after most summary buffer variables have been set.


It is called after the summary buffer has been generated. You might use it to, for instance, highlight lines or modify the look of the buffer in some other ungodly manner. I don’t care.


A hook called as the very last thing after the summary buffer has been generated.


When Gnus discovers two articles that have the same Message-ID, it has to do something drastic. No articles are allowed to have the same Message-ID, but this may happen when reading mail from some sources. Gnus allows you to customize what happens with this variable. If it is nil (which is the default), Gnus will rename the Message-ID (for display purposes only) and display the article as any other article. If this variable is t, it won’t display the article—it’ll be as if it never existed.


This function, which takes two parameters (the group name and the list of articles to be selected), is called to allow the user to alter the list of articles to be selected.

For instance, the following function adds the list of cached articles to the list in one particular group:

(defun my-add-cached-articles (group articles)
  (if (string= group "")
      (append gnus-newsgroup-cached articles)

A list of newsgroup (summary buffer) local variables, or cons of variables and their default expressions to be evalled (when the default values are not nil), that should be made global while the summary buffer is active.

Note: The default expressions will be evaluated (using function eval) before assignment to the local variable rather than just assigned to it. If the default expression is the symbol global, that symbol will not be evaluated but the global value of the local variable will be used instead.

These variables can be used to set variables in the group parameters while still allowing them to affect operations done in other buffers. For example:

(setq gnus-newsgroup-variables
        (gnus-visible-headers .

Also see Group Parameters.

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