Next: Example Methods, Previous: Server Buffer Format, Up: Server Buffer [Contents][Index]
The following key bindings are available in the server buffer. Be aware that some of the commands will only work on servers that you’ve added through this interface (with a), not with servers you’ve defined in your init files.
The key v is reserved for users. You can bind it to some command or better use it as a prefix key.
Add a new server (gnus-server-add-server
Edit a server (gnus-server-edit-server
Show the definition of a server (gnus-server-show-server
Browse the current server (gnus-server-read-server
Return to the group buffer (gnus-server-exit
Kill the current server (gnus-server-kill-server
Yank the previously killed server (gnus-server-yank-server
Copy the current server (gnus-server-copy-server
List all servers (gnus-server-list-servers
Request that the server scan its sources for new articles
). This is mainly sensible with mail
Request that the server regenerate all its data structures
). This can be useful if you have
a mail back end that has gotten out of sync.
Compact all groups in the server under point
). Currently implemented only in
nnml (see Mail Spool). This removes gaps between article numbers,
hence getting a correct total article count.
Some more commands for closing, disabling, and re-opening servers are listed in Unavailable Servers.
Next: Example Methods, Previous: Server Buffer Format, Up: Server Buffer [Contents][Index]