Previous: Accessing groups of non-English names, Up: Group Buffer [Contents][Index]
The key v is reserved for users. You can bind it to some command or better use it as a prefix key. For example:
(define-key gnus-group-mode-map (kbd "v j d") (lambda () (interactive) (gnus-group-jump-to-group "nndraft:drafts")))
On keys reserved for users in Emacs and on key bindings in general See Keymaps in The Emacs Editor.
Enter the server buffer (gnus-group-enter-server-mode
See Server Buffer.
Start composing a message (a news by default)
). If given a prefix, post to the group
under the point. If the prefix is 1, prompt for a group to post to.
Contrary to what the name of this function suggests, the prepared
article might be a mail instead of a news, if a mail group is specified
with the prefix argument. See Composing Messages.
Mail a message somewhere (gnus-group-mail
). If given a prefix,
use the posting style of the group under the point. If the prefix is 1,
prompt for a group name to find the posting style.
See Composing Messages.
Start composing a news (gnus-group-news
). If given a prefix,
post to the group under the point. If the prefix is 1, prompt
for group to post to. See Composing Messages.
This function actually prepares a news even when using mail groups. This is useful for “posting” messages to mail groups without actually sending them over the network: they’re just saved directly to the group in question. The corresponding back end must have a request-post method for this to work though.
Compact the group under point (gnus-group-compact-group
Currently implemented only in nnml (see Mail Spool). This removes
gaps between article numbers, hence getting a correct total article
Variables for the group buffer:
¶is called after the group buffer has been created.
¶is called after the group buffer is generated. It may be used to modify the buffer in some strange, unnatural way.
¶is called as the very last thing after the group buffer has been generated. It may be used to move point around, for instance.
¶Groups matching this regexp will always be listed in the group buffer, whether they are empty or not.
Previous: Accessing groups of non-English names, Up: Group Buffer [Contents][Index]