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The following is a list of variables that influence how the mail is fetched. You would normally not need to set or change any of these variables.


File where mail will be stored while processing it. The default is


If non-nil, delete incoming files after handling them. If t, delete the files immediately, if nil, never delete any files. If a positive number, delete files older than number of days (the deletion will only happen when receiving new mail). You may also set mail-source-delete-incoming to nil and call mail-source-delete-old-incoming from a hook or interactively.


If non-nil, ask for confirmation before deleting old incoming files. This variable only applies when mail-source-delete-incoming is a positive number.


Directory where incoming mail source files (if any) will be stored. The default is ~/Mail/. At present, the only thing this is used for is to say where the incoming files will be stored if the variable mail-source-delete-incoming is nil or a number.


Prefix for file name for storing incoming mail. The default is Incoming, in which case files will end up with names like Incoming30630D_ or Incoming298602ZD. This is really only relevant if mail-source-delete-incoming is nil or a number.


All new mail files will get this file mode. The default is #o600.


If non-nil, name of program for fetching new mail. If nil, movemail in exec-directory.

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