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3.5 The Server Hotlist

EUDC lets you maintain a list of frequently used servers so that you can easily switch from one to another. Most users should configure the hotlist via Customize, and store the configuration in the main Emacs initialization file. Configuring it dynamically can be confusing, particularly if the hotlist settings are saved to eudc-options-file automatically. eudc-options-file is historical and support for it is still maintained, but new EUDC users should set eudc-ignore-options-file to t.

However, this hotlist also appears in the ‘Server’ submenu. You select a server in this list by clicking on its name. You can add the current server to the list with the command M-x eudc-bookmark-current-server. The list is contained in the variable eudc-server-hotlist which is stored in and retrieved from the file designated by eudc-options-file, or normal Emacs initialization if eudc-ignore-options-file is non-nil. EUDC also provides a facility to edit the hotlist interactively (see The Hotlist Edit Buffer).

The hotlist is also used to make queries on multiple servers successively (see Multi-server Queries). The order in which the servers are tried is the order they appear in the hotlist, therefore it is important to sort the hotlist appropriately.

Command: eudc-bookmark-server server

Add server to the hotlist of servers

Command: eudc-bookmark-current-server

Add the current server to the hotlist of servers

Variable: eudc-ignore-options-file

If non-nil, EUDC ignores eudc-options-file and warns or issues an error when an attempt is made to use it. Most users should set this, and keep their EUDC configuration in the main Emacs initialization file instead. The separate eudc-options file has created confusion for users in the past.

Variable: eudc-options-file

The name of a file where EUDC stores its internal variables (the hotlist and the current server). EUDC will try to load that file upon initialization so, if you choose a file name different from the default ~/.emacs.d/eudc-options, be sure to set this variable to the appropriate value before EUDC is itself loaded.

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