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Redirection in Eshell is similar to that of other command shells. You
can use the output redirection operators >
and >>
, but
there is not yet any support for input redirection. In the cases
below, fd specifies the file descriptor to redirect; if not
specified, file descriptor 1 (standard output) will be used by
> dest
fd> dest
Redirect output to dest, overwriting its contents with the new output.
>> dest
fd>> dest
Redirect output to dest, appending it to the existing contents of dest.
>>> dest
fd>>> dest
Redirect output to dest, inserting it at the current mark if
dest is a buffer, at the beginning of the file if dest is
a file, or otherwise behaving the same as >>
&> dest
>& dest
Redirect both standard output and standard error to dest, overwriting its contents with the new output.
&>> dest
>>& dest
Redirect both standard output and standard error to dest, appending it to the existing contents of dest.
&>>> dest
>>>& dest
Redirect both standard output and standard error to dest,
inserting it like with >>> dest
Duplicate the file descriptor other-fd to fd (or 1 if unspecified). The order in which this is used is significant, so
command > file 2>&1
redirects both standard output and standard error to file, whereas
command 2>&1 > file
only redirects standard output to file (and sends standard error to the display via standard output’s original handle).
Eshell supports redirecting output to several different types of targets:
Virtual targets are mapping of device names to functions. Eshell comes with four virtual devices:
Does nothing with the output passed to it.
Writes the text passed to it to the display.
Adds the text passed to it to the kill ring.
Adds the text passed to it to the clipboard.
You can, of course, define your own virtual targets. These are entries
in eshell-virtual-targets
with the form ‘(filename
output-function pass-mode)’. The first element,
filename, is the device name, usually of the form
‘"/dev/name"’. The second, output-function, should be a
function: Eshell will repeatedly call it with the redirected output.
This argument can also be an eshell-generic-target
instance. In
this case, Eshell will repeatedly call the generic function
with the output; once the
redirection has completed, Eshell will then call the generic function
, passing non-nil
if the redirected
command succeeded.
If pass-mode is non-nil
, then Eshell will pass the
redirection mode as an argument to output-function
as a
symbol: overwrite
for >
, append
for >>
, or
for >>>
. In this case, output-function
should return the real output function (either an ordinary function or
an eshell-generic-target
as described above).
Create a new virtual target for Eshell that repeatedly calls
output-function with the redirected output, as described above.
If close-function is non-nil
, Eshell will call it when
closing the target, passing non-nil
if the redirected command
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