Previous: Tramp extensions, Up: Optional modules [Contents][Index]
This module provides several extra built-in commands documented below,
primarily for working with lists of strings in Eshell. To enable it,
add eshell-xtra
to eshell-modules-list
count item seq [option]…
A wrapper around the function cl-count
(see Searching
Sequences in GNU Emacs Common Lisp Emulation). This command can
be used for comparing lists of strings.
expr str [separator] [arg]…
An implementation of expr
using the Calc package.
See The GNU Emacs Calculator.
ff directory pattern
Shorthand for the function find-name-dired
(see Dired
and Find in The Emacs Editor).
gf directory regexp
Shorthand for the function find-grep-dired
(see Dired
and Find in The Emacs Editor).
intersection list1 list2 [option]…
A wrapper around the function cl-intersection
(see Lists as
Sets in GNU Emacs Common Lisp Emulation). This command
can be used for comparing lists of strings.
mismatch seq1 seq2 [option]…
A wrapper around the function cl-mismatch
(see Searching
Sequences in GNU Emacs Common Lisp Emulation). This command can
be used for comparing lists of strings.
set-difference list1 list2 [option]…
A wrapper around the function cl-set-difference
(see Lists
as Sets in GNU Emacs Common Lisp Emulation). This command can be
used for comparing lists of strings.
set-exclusive-or list1 list2 [option]…
A wrapper around the function cl-set-exclusive-or
(see Lists
as Sets in GNU Emacs Common Lisp Emulation). This command can be
used for comparing lists of strings.
substitute new old seq [option]…
A wrapper around the function cl-substitute
(see Sequence
Functions in GNU Emacs Common Lisp Emulation). This command can
be used for comparing lists of strings.
union list1 list2 [option]…
A wrapper around the function cl-union
(see Lists as Sets in GNU Emacs Common Lisp Emulation). This command can be used for
comparing lists of strings.
Previous: Tramp extensions, Up: Optional modules [Contents][Index]