Next: Maintaining Undo Lists, Previous: The Kill Ring, Up: Text [Contents][Index]
Most buffers have an undo list, which records all changes made
to the buffer’s text so that they can be undone. (The buffers that
don’t have one are usually special-purpose buffers for which Emacs
assumes that undoing is not useful. In particular, any buffer whose
name begins with a space has its undo recording off by default;
see Buffer Names.) All the primitives that modify the
text in the buffer automatically add elements to the front of the undo
list, which is in the variable buffer-undo-list
This buffer-local variable’s value is the undo list of the current
buffer. A value of t
disables the recording of undo information.
Here are the kinds of elements an undo list can have:
This kind of element records a previous value of point; undoing this element moves point to position. Ordinary cursor motion does not make any sort of undo record, but deletion operations use these entries to record where point was before the command.
(beg . end)
This kind of element indicates how to delete text that was inserted. Upon insertion, the text occupied the range beg–end in the buffer.
(text . position)
This kind of element indicates how to reinsert text that was deleted.
The deleted text itself is the string text. The place to
reinsert it is (abs position)
. If position is
positive, point was at the beginning of the deleted text, otherwise it
was at the end. Zero or more (marker . adjustment)
elements follow immediately after this element.
(t . time-flag)
This kind of element indicates that an unmodified buffer became
modified. A time-flag that is a non-integer Lisp timestamp
represents the visited file’s modification time as of
when it was previously visited or saved, using the same format as
; see Time of Day.
A time-flag of 0 means the buffer does not correspond to any file;
-1 means the visited file previously did not exist.
uses these
values to determine whether to mark the buffer as unmodified once again;
it does so only if the file’s status matches that of time-flag.
(nil property value beg . end)
This kind of element records a change in a text property. Here’s how you might undo the change:
(put-text-property beg end property value)
(marker . adjustment)
This kind of element records the fact that the marker marker was relocated due to deletion of surrounding text, and that it moved adjustment character positions. If the marker’s location is consistent with the (text . position) element preceding it in the undo list, then undoing this element moves marker - adjustment characters.
(apply funname . args)
This is an extensible undo item, which is undone by calling funname with arguments args.
(apply delta beg end funname . args)
This is an extensible undo item, which records a change limited to the range beg to end, which increased the size of the buffer by delta characters. It is undone by calling funname with arguments args.
This kind of element enables undo limited to a region to determine whether the element pertains to that region.
This element is a boundary. The elements between two boundaries are called a change group; normally, each change group corresponds to one keyboard command, and undo commands normally undo an entire group as a unit.
This function places a boundary element in the undo list. The undo
command stops at such a boundary, and successive undo commands undo
to earlier and earlier boundaries. This function returns nil
Calling this function explicitly is useful for splitting the effects of
a command into more than one unit. For example, query-replace
calls undo-boundary
after each replacement, so that the user can
undo individual replacements one by one.
Mostly, however, this function is called automatically at an appropriate time.
The editor command loop automatically calls undo-boundary
before executing each key sequence, so that each undo normally undoes
the effects of one command. A few exceptional commands are
amalgamating: these commands generally cause small changes to
buffers, so with these a boundary is inserted only every 20th command,
allowing the changes to be undone as a group. By default, the commands
, which produces self-inserting input
characters (see User-Level Insertion Commands), and delete-char
which deletes characters (see Deleting Text), are amalgamating.
Where a command affects the contents of several buffers, as may happen,
for example, when a function on the post-command-hook
affects a
buffer other than the current-buffer
, then undo-boundary
will be called in each of the affected buffers.
This function can be called before an amalgamating command. It
removes the previous undo-boundary
if a series of such calls
have been made.
The maximum number of changes that can be amalgamated is controlled by
the amalgamating-undo-limit
variable. If this variable is 1,
no changes are amalgamated.
A Lisp program can amalgamate a series of changes into a single change
group by calling undo-amalgamate-change-group
(see Atomic Change Groups). Note that amalgamating-undo-limit
has no effect on
the groups produced by that function.
Some buffers, such as process buffers, can change even when no
commands are executing. In these cases, undo-boundary
normally called periodically by the timer in this variable. Setting
this variable to non-nil
prevents this behavior.
This variable is normally nil
, but the undo commands bind it to
. This is so that various kinds of change hooks can tell when
they’re being called for the sake of undoing.
This is the basic function for undoing elements of an undo list. It undoes the first count elements of list, returning the rest of list.
adds elements to the buffer’s undo list when it
changes the buffer. Undo commands avoid confusion by saving the undo
list value at the beginning of a sequence of undo operations. Then the
undo operations use and update the saved value. The new elements added
by undoing are not part of this saved value, so they don’t interfere with
continuing to undo.
This function does not bind undo-in-progress
This macro removes all the undo boundaries inserted during the execution of body so that it can be undone as a single step.
Some commands leave the region active after execution in such a way that
it interferes with selective undo of that command. To make undo
ignore the active region when invoked immediately after such a command,
set the property undo-inhibit-region
of the command’s function
symbol to a non-nil
value. See Standard Symbol Properties.
Next: Maintaining Undo Lists, Previous: The Kill Ring, Up: Text [Contents][Index]