Next: Formatted Text Properties, Previous: Text Property Search Functions, Up: Text Properties [Contents][Index]
Here is a table of text property names that have special built-in meanings. The following sections list a few additional special property names that control filling and property inheritance. All other names have no standard meaning, and you can use them as you like.
Note: the properties composition
, display
and intangible
can also cause point to move to
an acceptable place, after each Emacs command. See Adjusting Point After Commands.
If a character has a category
property, we call it the
property category of the character. It should be a symbol. The
properties of this symbol serve as defaults for the properties of the
¶The face
property controls the appearance of the character
(see Faces). The value of the property can be the following:
value …)
, where each keyword is a face attribute
name and value is a value for that attribute.
(foreground-color . color-name)
or (background-color . color-name)
. This specifies the
foreground or background color, similar to (:foreground
or (:background color-name)
. This
form is supported for backward compatibility only, and should be
(:filtered filter face-spec)
, that specifies the face given by face-spec,
but only if filter matches when the face is used for display.
The face-spec can use any of the forms mentioned above. The
filter should be of the form (:window param value)
, which matches for windows whose parameter param
is eq
to value. If the variable
is non-nil
, all face filters
are deemed to have matched.
Font Lock mode (see Font Lock Mode) works in most buffers by
dynamically updating the face
property of characters based on
the context.
The add-face-text-property
function provides a convenient way
to set this text property. See Changing Text Properties.
This property specifies a value for the face
property that Font
Lock mode should apply to the underlying text. It is one of the
fontification methods used by Font Lock mode, and is useful for
special modes that implement their own highlighting.
See Precalculated Fontification. When Font Lock mode is disabled,
has no effect.
This property is used instead of face
when the mouse pointer
hovers over the text which has this property. When this happens, the
entire stretch of text that has the same mouse-face
value, not just the character under the mouse, is highlighted.
Emacs ignores all face attributes from the mouse-face
that alter the text size (e.g., :height
, :weight
, and
). Those attributes are always the same as for the
unhighlighted text.
This property is similar to mouse-face
, but it is used when
point (not the mouse) is inside text that has this property. The
highlighting happens only if the mode
is enabled. When the variable
is non-nil
, the
text with this face is highlighted even if the window is not selected,
similarly to what highlight-nonselected-windows
does for the
region (see The Mark and the Region in The GNU Emacs
This property says whether the text is ready for display. If
, Emacs’s redisplay routine calls the functions in
(see Automatic Face Assignment) to prepare this
part of the buffer before it is displayed. It is used internally by
the just-in-time font locking code.
This property activates various features that change the
way text is displayed. For example, it can make text appear taller
or shorter, higher or lower, wider or narrow, or replaced with an image.
See The display
If text has a string as its help-echo
property, then when you
move the mouse onto that text, Emacs displays that string in the echo
area, or in the tooltip window (see Tooltips), after passing it
through substitute-command-keys
If the value of the help-echo
property is a function, that
function is called with three arguments, window, object and
pos and should return a help string or nil
none. The first argument, window is the window in which
the help was found. The second, object, is the buffer, overlay or
string which had the help-echo
property. The pos
argument is as follows:
property, and pos is the position in the overlay’s buffer.
property), pos is the position in that
If the value of the help-echo
property is neither a function nor
a string, it is evaluated to obtain a help string.
You can alter the way help text is displayed by setting the variable
(see Help display).
This feature is used in the mode line and for other active text.
If the first character of a help-echo
string has a
property, then it
is displayed as-is by show-help-function
, without being passed
through substitute-command-keys
If any visible text of a screen line has the left-fringe-help
text property whose value is a string, then
that string will be displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the
corresponding line’s fringe through show-help-function
(see Help display). This is useful when used together with fringe
cursors and bitmaps (see Fringes).
The keymap
property specifies an additional keymap for
commands. When this keymap applies, it is used for key lookup before
the minor mode keymaps and before the buffer’s local map.
See Active Keymaps. If the property value is a symbol, the
symbol’s function definition is used as the keymap.
The property’s value for the character before point applies if it is
and rear-sticky, and the property’s value for the
character after point applies if it is non-nil
front-sticky. (For mouse clicks, the position of the click is used
instead of the position of point.)
This property works like keymap
except that it specifies a
keymap to use instead of the buffer’s local map. For most
purposes (perhaps all purposes), it is better to use the keymap
The syntax-table
property overrides what the syntax table says
about this particular character. See Syntax Properties.
If a character has the property read-only
, then modifying that
character is not allowed. Any command that would do so gets an error,
. If the property value is a string, that string
is used as the error message.
Insertion next to a read-only character is an error if inserting
ordinary text there would inherit the read-only
property due to
stickiness. Thus, you can control permission to insert next to
read-only text by controlling the stickiness. See Stickiness of Text Properties.
Since changing properties counts as modifying the buffer, it is not
possible to remove a read-only
property unless you know the
special trick: bind inhibit-read-only
to a non-nil
and then remove the property. See Read-Only Buffers.
Characters that have the property inhibit-read-only
can be
edited even in read-only buffers. See Read-Only Buffers.
A non-nil
property can make a character invisible
on the screen. See Invisible Text, for details.
¶A non-nil
property will make isearch
skip the text.
If a group of consecutive characters have equal and non-nil
properties, then you cannot place point between them.
If you try to move point forward into the group, point actually moves to
the end of the group. If you try to move point backward into the group,
point actually moves to the start of the group.
If consecutive characters have unequal non-nil
properties, they belong to separate groups; each
group is separately treated as described above.
When the variable inhibit-point-motion-hooks
is non-nil
(as it is by default), the intangible
property is ignored.
Beware: this property operates at a very low level, and affects a lot of code
in unexpected ways. So use it with extreme caution. A common misuse is to put
an intangible property on invisible text, which is actually unnecessary since
the command loop will move point outside of the invisible text at the end of
each command anyway. See Adjusting Point After Commands. For these reasons, this
property is obsolete; use the cursor-intangible
property instead.
When the minor mode cursor-intangible-mode
is turned on, point
is moved away from any position that has a non-nil
property, just before redisplay happens.
Note that “stickiness” of the property (see Stickiness of Text Properties)
is taken into account when computing allowed cursor positions, so (for
instance) to insert a stretch of five ‘x’ characters into which
the cursor can’t enter, you should do something like:
(insert (propertize "xxxx" 'cursor-intangible t) (propertize "x" 'cursor-intangible t 'rear-nonsticky t))
When the variable cursor-sensor-inhibit
is non-nil
, the
property and the
property (described below) are ignored.
Consecutive characters with the same field
property constitute a
field. Some motion functions including forward-word
stop moving at a field boundary.
See Defining and Using Fields.
Normally, the cursor is displayed at the beginning or the end of any
overlay and text property strings that “hide” (i.e., are displayed
instead of) the current buffer position. You can instead tell Emacs
to place the cursor on any desired character of these strings by
giving that character a non-nil
text property.
In addition, if the value of the cursor
property is an integer,
it specifies the number of buffer’s character positions, starting with
the position where the overlay or the display
property begins,
for which the cursor should be displayed on that character.
Specifically, if the value of the cursor
property of a
character is the number n, the cursor will be displayed on this
character for any buffer position in the range
, where ovpos is the
overlay’s starting position given by overlay-start
(see Managing Overlays), or the position where the display
text property begins in the buffer.
In other words, the string character with the cursor
of any non-nil
value is the character where to display the
cursor when the overlay or display string make point not visible on
display. The value of the property says for which buffer positions to
display the cursor there. If the value is an integer n, the
cursor is displayed there when point is anywhere between the beginning
of the overlay or display
property and n positions after
that. If the value is anything else and non-nil
, the cursor is
displayed there only when point is at the buffer position that is the
beginning of the display
property, or at overlay-start
if that position is not visible on display. Note that an integer
value of the cursor
property could mean that the cursor is
displayed on that character even when point is visible on display.
One subtlety of this property is that it doesn’t work to put this
property on a newline character that is part of a display or overlay
string. That’s because the newline doesn’t have a graphic
representation on the screen for Emacs to find when it looks for a
character on display with that cursor
When the buffer has many overlay strings (e.g., see before-string) that conceal some of the buffer text or
properties that are strings, it is a good idea to use
the cursor
property on these strings to cue the Emacs display
about the places where to put the cursor while traversing these
strings. This directly communicates to the display engine where the
Lisp program wants to put the cursor, or where the user would expect
the cursor, when point is located on some buffer position that is
“covered” by the display or overlay string.
This specifies a specific pointer shape when the mouse pointer is over this text or image. See Pointer Shape, for possible pointer shapes.
A newline can have a line-spacing
text or overlay property that
controls the height of the display line ending with that newline. The
property value overrides the default frame line spacing and the buffer
local line-spacing
variable. See Line Height.
A newline can have a line-height
text or overlay property that
controls the total height of the display line ending in that newline.
See Line Height.
If a region of text has a wrap-prefix
property, the prefix it
defines will be added at display time to the beginning of every
continuation line due to text wrapping (so if lines are truncated, the
wrap-prefix is never used). The property value may be a string or an
image (see Other Display Specifications), or a stretch of whitespace such as
specified by the :width
or :align-to
display properties
(see Specified Spaces). Note that to have its effect, the
property must be set on the entire region of text,
starting from the first character of the first line of that text and up
to the last character of the last line; otherwise, breaking the text
into lines in a different way might fail to display the prefix, because
the display engine checks for this property only immediately after
continuing a line.
A wrap-prefix may also be specified for an entire buffer using the
buffer-local variable (however, a
text-property takes precedence over the value of
the wrap-prefix
variable). See Truncation.
If a region of text has a line-prefix
property, the prefix it
defines will be added at display time to the beginning of every
non-continuation line. The property value may be a string or an image
(see Other Display Specifications), or a stretch of whitespace such as
specified by the :width
or :align-to
display properties
(see Specified Spaces). Note that to have its effect, the
property must be set on the entire region of text,
starting from the first character of the first line of that text and up
to the last character of the last line; otherwise, breaking the text
into lines in a different way might fail to display the prefix, because
the display engine checks for this property only when starting a new
A line-prefix may also be specified for an entire buffer using the
buffer-local variable (however, a
text-property takes precedence over the value of
the line-prefix
variable). See Truncation.
If a character has the property modification-hooks
, then its
value should be a list of functions; modifying that character calls
all of those functions before the actual modification. Each function
receives two arguments: the beginning and end of the part of the
buffer being modified. Note that if a particular modification hook
function appears on several characters being modified by a single
primitive, you can’t predict how many times the function will
be called.
Furthermore, insertion will not modify any existing character, so this
hook will only be run when removing some characters, replacing them
with others, or changing their text-properties.
Unlike with other similar hooks, when Emacs calls these functions,
does not get bound to
. If the functions modify the buffer, you should
consider binding this variable to non-nil
to prevent any buffer
changes running the change hooks. Otherwise, you must be prepared for
recursive calls. See Change Hooks.
Overlays also support the modification-hooks
property, but the
details are somewhat different (see Overlay Properties).
The operation of inserting text in a buffer also calls the functions
listed in the insert-in-front-hooks
property of the following
character and in the insert-behind-hooks
property of the
preceding character. These functions receive two arguments, the
beginning and end of the inserted text. The functions are called
after the actual insertion takes place.
When these functions are called, inhibit-modification-hooks
bound to non-nil
. If the functions modify the buffer, you
might want to bind inhibit-modification-hooks
to nil
, so
as to cause the change hooks to run for these modifications. However,
doing this may call your own change hook recursively, so be sure to
prepare for that.
See also Change Hooks, for other hooks that are called when you change text in a buffer.
The special properties point-entered
and point-left
record hook functions that report motion of point. Each time point
moves, Emacs compares these two property values:
property of the character after the old location,
property of the character after the new
If these two values differ, each of them is called (if not nil
with two arguments: the old value of point, and the new one.
The same comparison is made for the characters before the old and new
locations. The result may be to execute two point-left
(which may be the same function) and/or two point-entered
functions (which may be the same function). In any case, all the
functions are called first, followed by all the
It is possible to use char-after
to examine characters at various
buffer positions without moving point to those positions. Only an
actual change in the value of point runs these hook functions.
The variable inhibit-point-motion-hooks
by default inhibits
running the point-left
and point-entered
hooks, see
Inhibit point motion hooks.
These properties are obsolete; please use
This special property records a list of functions that react to cursor
motion. Each function in the list is called, just before redisplay,
with 3 arguments: the affected window, the previous known position of
the cursor, and one of the symbols entered
or left
depending on whether the cursor is entering the text that has this
property or leaving it. The functions are called only when the minor
mode cursor-sensor-mode
is turned on.
When the variable cursor-sensor-inhibit
is non-nil
, the
property is ignored.
This text property is used to display a sequence of characters as a
single glyph composed from components. But the value of the property
itself is completely internal to Emacs and should not be manipulated
directly by, for instance, put-text-property
This text property tells where to display temporary messages in an
active minibuffer. Specifically, the first character of the
minibuffer text which has this property will have the temporary
message displayed before it. The default is to display temporary
messages at the end of the minibuffer text. This text property is
used by the function that is the default value of
(see Displaying Messages in the Echo Area).
This text property prevents display of line numbers (see display-line-numbers in The GNU Emacs Manual) for the text which has this property.
When this obsolete variable is
, point-left
and point-entered
hooks are
not run, and the intangible
property has no effect. Do not set
this variable globally; bind it with let
. Since the affected
properties are obsolete, this variable’s default value is t
, to
effectively disable them.
If this variable is non-nil
, it specifies
a function called to display help strings. These may be
properties, menu help strings (see Simple Menu Items, see Extended Menu Items), or tool bar help strings
(see Tool bars). The specified function is called with one
argument, the help string to display, which is passed through
before being given to the function,
unless the help string has a non-nil
property on its first character; see
Substituting Key Bindings in Documentation. See the code of Tooltip mode
(see Tooltips in The GNU Emacs Manual) for an example of a
mode that uses show-help-function
If this variable is non-nil
, face filters that specify
attributes applied only when certain conditions are met will be deemed
to match always.
Next: Formatted Text Properties, Previous: Text Property Search Functions, Up: Text Properties [Contents][Index]