Next: Running a function when a variable is changed., Previous: Accessing Variable Values, Up: Variables [Contents][Index]
The usual way to change the value of a variable is with the special
form setq
. When you need to compute the choice of variable at
run time, use the function set
This special form is the most common method of changing a variable’s value. Each symbol is given a new value, which is the result of evaluating the corresponding form. The current binding of the symbol is changed.
does not evaluate symbol; it sets the symbol that you
write. We say that this argument is automatically quoted. The
‘q’ in setq
stands for “quoted”.
The value of the setq
form is the value of the last form.
(setq x (1+ 2)) ⇒ 3
x ; x
now has a global value.
⇒ 3
(let ((x 5))
(setq x 6) ; The local binding of x
is set.
⇒ 6
x ; The global value is unchanged.
⇒ 3
Note that the first form is evaluated, then the first symbol is set, then the second form is evaluated, then the second symbol is set, and so on:
(setq x 10 ; Notice thatx
is set before y (1+ x)) ; the value ofy
is computed. ⇒ 11
This function puts value in the value cell of symbol. Since it is a function rather than a special form, the expression written for symbol is evaluated to obtain the symbol to set. The return value is value.
When dynamic variable binding is in effect (the default), set
has the same effect as setq
, apart from the fact that
evaluates its symbol argument whereas setq
does not. But when a variable is lexically bound, set
its dynamic value, whereas setq
affects its current
(lexical) value. See Scoping Rules for Variable Bindings.
(set one 1) error→ Symbol's value as variable is void: one
(set 'one 1) ⇒ 1
(set 'two 'one) ⇒ one
(set two 2) ; two
evaluates to symbol one
⇒ 2
one ; So it isone
that was set. ⇒ 2 (let ((one 1)) ; This binding ofone
is set, (set 'one 3) ; not the global value. one) ⇒ 3
one ⇒ 2
If symbol is not actually a symbol, a wrong-type-argument
error is signaled.
(set '(x y) 'z) error→ Wrong type argument: symbolp, (x y)
This is like setq
(see above), but meant for user options.
This macro uses the Customize machinery to set the variable(s)
(see Defining Customization Variables). In particular, setopt
will run
the setter function associated with the variable. For instance, if
you have:
(defcustom my-var 1 "My var." :type 'number :set (lambda (var val) (set-default var val) (message "We set %s to %s" var val)))
then the following, in addition to setting my-var
to ‘2’,
will also issue a message:
(setopt my-var 2)
also checks whether the value is valid for the user
option. For instance, using setopt
to set a user option
defined with a number
type to a string will signal an error.
Unlike defcustom
and related customization commands, such as
, setopt
is meant for non-interactive
use, in particular in the user init file. For that reason, it doesn’t
record the standard, saved, and user-set values, and doesn’t mark the
variable as candidate for saving in the custom file.
The setopt
macro can be used on regular, non-user option
variables, but is much less efficient than setq
. The main use
case for this macro is setting user options in the user’s init file.
Next: Running a function when a variable is changed., Previous: Accessing Variable Values, Up: Variables [Contents][Index]