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6.1 No project files

This example uses no project files.

First, create a directory Example_1, containing:


     with Ada.Text_IO;
     procedure Hello
     is begin
        Put_Line("Hello from hello.adb");
     end Hello;

Yes, this is missing “use Ada.Text_IO;” - we want to demonstrate compiler error handling.


     with Hello_Pkg;
     procedure Hello_2
     is begin
     end Hello_2;

This file has no errors.

     package Hello_Pkg is
        procedure Say_Hello;
     end Hello_Pkg;

This file has no errors.


     with Ada.Text_IO;
     package Hello_Pkg is
        procedure Say_Hello
        is begin
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Hello from hello_pkg.adb");
        end Say_Hello;
     end Hello_Pkg;

Yes, this is missing the keyword body; another compiler error example.

In buffer hello.adb, invoke ‘Ada | Check file’. You should get a *compilation* buffer containing something like (the directory paths will be different):

     cd c:/Examples/Example_1/
     gnatmake -u -c -gnatc -g c:/Examples/Example_1/hello.adb -cargs -gnatq -gnatQ
     gcc -c -Ic:/Examples/Example_1/ -gnatc -g -gnatq -gnatQ -I- c:/Examples/Example_1/hello.adb
     hello.adb:4:04: "Put_Line" is not visible
     hello.adb:4:04: non-visible declaration at
     hello.adb:4:04: non-visible declaration at
     gnatmake: "c:/Examples/Example_1/hello.adb" compilation error

If you have enabled font-lock, the lines with actual errors (starting with hello.adb) are highlighted, with the file name in red.

Now type C-x ` (on a PC keyboard, <`> is next to <1>). Or you can click the middle mouse button on the first error line. The compilation buffer scrolls to put the first error on the top line, and point is put at the place of the error in the hello.adb buffer.

To fix the error, change the line to be

         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("hello from hello.adb");

Now invoke ‘Ada | Show main’; this displays ‘Ada mode main: hello’.

Now (in buffer hello.adb), invoke ‘Ada | Build’. You are prompted to save the file (if you haven't already). Then the compilation buffer is displayed again, containing:

     cd c:/Examples/Example_1/
     gnatmake -o hello hello -g -cargs -gnatq -gnatQ -bargs  -largs
     gcc -c -g -gnatq -gnatQ hello.adb
     gnatbind -x hello.ali
     gnatlink hello.ali -o hello.exe -g

The compilation has succeeded without errors; hello.exe now exists in the same directory as hello.adb.

Now invoke ‘Ada | Run’. A *run* buffer is displayed, containing

     Hello from hello.adb
     Process run finished

That completes the first part of this example.

Now we will compile a multi-file project. Open the file hello_2.adb, and invoke ‘Ada | Set main and Build’. This finds an error in hello_pkg.adb:

     cd c:/Examples/Example_1/
     gnatmake -o hello_2 hello_2 -g -cargs -gnatq -gnatQ -bargs  -largs
     gcc -c -g -gnatq -gnatQ hello_pkg.adb
     hello_pkg.adb:2:08: keyword "body" expected here [see file name]
     gnatmake: "hello_pkg.adb" compilation error

This demonstrates that gnatmake finds the files needed by the main program. However, it cannot find files in a different directory, unless you use an Emacs Ada mode project file to specify the other directories; See Set source search path, or a GNAT project file; Use GNAT project file.

Invoke ‘Ada | Show main’; this displays Ada mode main: hello_2.

Move to the error with C-x `, and fix the error by adding body:

     package body Hello_Pkg is

Now, while still in hello_pkg.adb, invoke ‘Ada | Build’. gnatmake successfully builds hello_2. This demonstrates that Emacs has remembered the main file, in the project variable main, and used it for the Build command.

Finally, again while in hello_pkg.adb, invoke ‘Ada | Run’. The *run* buffer displays Hello from hello_pkg.adb.

One final point. If you switch back to buffer hello.adb, and invoke ‘Ada | Run’, hello_2.exe will be run. That is because main is still set to hello_2, as you can see when you invoke ‘Ada | Project | Edit’.

There are three ways to change main:

  1. Invoke ‘Ada | Set main and Build’, which sets main to the current file.
  2. Invoke ‘Ada | Project | Edit’, edit main, and click ‘[save]
  3. Invoke ‘Ada | Project | Load’, and load a project file that specifies main