This handbook, and the use of 3DLDF itself, presuppose at least some
familiarity on the part of the reader with Metafont, MetaPost,
CWEB, and C++
. If you are not familiar with any or all of them, I
recommend the following sources of information:
Knuth, Donald Ervin.
Computers and Typesetting; C.
Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Reading, Massachusetts 1986.
Hobby, John D.
A User's Manual for MetaPost.
AT & T Bell Laboratories.
Murray Hill, NJ. No date.
Knuth, Donald E. and Silvio Levy.
The CWEB System of Structured Documentation.
Version 3.64--February 2002.
Stroustrup, Bjarne.
The C++
Programming Language.
Special Edition.
Reading, Massachusetts 2000.
ISBN 0-201-70073-5.
The manuals for MetaPost and CWEB are available from the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN). See one of the following web sites for more information: