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bool is_on_free_store (void) const function
Returns on_free_store. This will only be true, if the Color was created by create_new<Color>(). See Color Reference; Constructors and Setting Functions.

real get_red_part ([bool decimal = false]) Inline const function
real get_green_part ([bool decimal = false]) Inline const function
real get_blue_part ([bool decimal = false]) Inline const function
These functions return the red_part, green_part, or blue_part of the Color, respectively. If decimal is false (the default), the actual real value of the "part" is returned. Otherwise, the corresponding whole number n such that 0 <= n <= 255 is returned.

bool get_use_name (void) const function
Returns use_name.

string get_name (void) Inline const function
Returns name.