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Constructors and Setting Functions

void Circle (void) Default constructor
Creates an empty Circle.

void Circle (const Point& ccenter, const real ddiameter, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0, [const unsigned short nnumber_of_points = DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_POINTS]]]]) Constructor
Creates a Circle with radius == ddiameter/2 in the x-z plane and centered at the origin with nnumber_of_points Points. If any of the arguments angle_x, angle_y, or angle_z is != 0, the Circle is rotated around the major axes by the angles indicated by the arguments. Finally, the Circle is shifted such that center comes to lie at ccenter.

void set (const Point& ccenter, const real ddiameter, [const real angle_x = 0, [const real angle_y = 0, [const real angle_z = 0]]]) Setting function
Corresponds to the constructor above.

Circle* create_new<Circle> (const Circle* c) Template specializations
Circle* create_new<Circle> (const Circle& c)
Pseudo-constructors for dynamic allocation of Circles. They create a Circle on the free store and allocate memory for it using new(Circle). They return a pointer to the new Circle.

If c is a non-zero pointer or a reference, the new Circle will be a copy of c. If the new object is not meant to be a copy of an existing one, 0 must be passed to create_new<Circle>() as its argument. See Dynamic Allocation of Shapes, for more information.