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DotGNU Execution Environment Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is the DGEE

  The DotGNU Execution Environment is an application framework for managing the
  execution of Webservices (and in the future other web-applications) for the
  DotGNU system.

2. What is Goldwater

  Goldwater is distributed message based middleware. It is highly scalable and
  allows applications written with it to be distributed across multiple 
  machines.  It is used to tie the components of the DGEE together, performing 
  request and reply queuing, load balancing, process sandboxing and resource 

Trouble at the top
These points assume that the dgee was installed under /usr/local/

3. The DGEE fails to start, gives a message "Goldwater not started"

  There are two phases to starting the DGEE.  First is to start and instance of
  the Goldwater middleware, Second is to boot the DGEE application within that
  Goldwater instance.
  These two steps may be performed in one go by running the dgeestart script.
  To start them separately, use 'dgadmin start' and 'dgadmin boot'.

4. Where do I find the logfiles?

  The logfiles will be found as:
  The DGEE log: /usr/local/var/log/dgee/dgee.log 
  Any STDOUT  : /usr/local/var/log/dgee/stdout
  Any STDERR  : /usr/local/var/log/dgee/stderr

5. Starting the DGEE/Goldwater complains about log file permissions.

  The user that the DGEE is configured to run as must have write permissions
  to the /usr/local/var/log/dgee directory.  If permission is denied, then
  the Goldwater middleware will fail to start and complain loudly.

6. Where is the master DGEE configuration file, and how do I change it?

  The master DGEE configuration file can be found at /usr/local/etc/dgeeconf.xml
  It defines where the logfiles are, where DGEE server processes are etc.  If
  you change any of these resources, then you need to recompile the config file.
  Make sure GWCONFIG is set to point to the binary version of the config file:
  export GWCONFIG=/usr/local/etc/dgeeconf.bin

  and compile it with gwmkcfg
  shell> gwmkcfg /usr/local/etc/dgeeconf.xml

7. I get an "Invalid user/group name" when starting the DGEE, why?

  The dgee is configured with the username and groupname of someone to run as.
  When run as root, the DGEE immediately becomes that user.
  Have a look at the dgeeconf.xml file (see above) and check the user and group
  entries against your /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.
  The DGEE should be configured to run as the same user as Apache (if you're
  using apache) - if not, either reinstall the DGEE or edit the dgeeconf.xml
  manually and change the user and group entries to something valid.  Don't
  forget to recompile the dgeeconf.xml file as described above.

8. User/group running administrator does not match that in configuration.
   Error Initializing Administrator (Invalid user name)

  The user running the administrator is either not root or the user that the
  DGEE was configured to run as.  Please refer to the dgeeconf.xml file for
  details as to who this is (see "I get an 'Invalid user/group name' when 
  starting the DGEE, why?" ).

9. How do I see what processes have started?

  The DGEE server processes will report their startup to the screen as they
  boot.  Such information is also written to the dgee logfile.
  You can make a manual inspection at any time through the Goldwater 
  administration tool.
  Run dgadmin (this sets the environment properly and then invokes Goldwater).
  and use the 'pl' command to list the Goldwater processes booted:

shell> dgadmin 
Welcome to the Goldwater Administrator (version 1.1.20)
(c) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Type 'help' or '?' for a list of commands.

dotGNU DGEE> pl
Currently booted servers:

Server         Class  ID     Domain/Node     Pid   Done    FRst Status         
-------------- ------ ------ --------------- ----- ------- ---- ---------------
guardian       1      1      DotGnuLocal     29008 12      0    Ready          
DGSvcMgr       100    100    DotGnuLocal     29011 3       0    Ready          
DGSvcMgr       100    101    DotGnuLocal     29012 0       0    Ready          
DGSvcMgr       100    102    DotGnuLocal     29013 0       0    Ready          
DGResMgr       200    200    DotGnuLocal     29014 1       0    Ready          
DGResMgr       200    201    DotGnuLocal     29015 0       0    Ready          
DGResMgr       200    202    DotGnuLocal     29016 0       0    Ready          
DGpnetVM       400    400    DotGnuLocal     29017 0       0    Ready          
DGpnetVM       400    401    DotGnuLocal     29018 1       0    Ready          
DGpnetVM       400    402    DotGnuLocal     29019 1       0    Ready          

10 servers listed from a total of 10 booted.


10. How do I see how many requests have been processed?

  The 'Done' column of the Goldwater "booted servers" list (above) indicates
  how may service requests each of the DGEE component processes have received.
  For instance, the requests 'Done' by the DGpnetVM processes indicates how many
  times webservices have been invoked.

11. How do I stop DGEE components?

  Individual DGEE components (server processes) may be halted by using the
  administration tool dgadmin.
  The 'halt' command may be used to stop all processes, or individual processes
  by giving a Class or and ID value.
  For instance halt -c 100 will shutdown all of the DGSvcMgr processes, and
  halt -i100 will shutdown the process with ID 100 (the first DGSvcMgr process).

12.  How do I start DGEE components?

  Starting DGEE components is very similar to stopping components except you
  use the boot command instead of halt.
  boot -c100 will boot all servers in Class 100, boot -i100 will boot the
  server who's ID is 100.
  Using boot without options will attempt to boot all server processes.

13. How do I cycle DGEE components?

  If you want to 'bounce' the running dgee by shutting down all processes and
  then starting them up again, then using a halt followed by a boot will have
  the desired effect, except that there will be a window of 'downtime' whilst
  everything comes back up.
  To prevent this Goldwater provides a 'cycle' command which stops and starts
  individual servers one at a time.  Again the -c class and -i ID options may
  be given if you want to target particular classes or instances of server.

14. How do I change the log level?

  The log level may be changed on-the-fly with the set command.
  dgadmin accepts the following syntax for set:
  set <resource> <value>

  The DGEE and Goldwater itself writes log entries that are flagged with a
  log type.  These flags are bit fields allowing you to select a number of
  different types to entry to be reported in the log.
  The following table gives the log types and corresponding OR'able values:

  Application Errors 1
  Data               2 
  Control Flow       4
  Debugging          8
  Information        16
  Audit Info         32

  If you want to see Error, Data and Audit Information, then you would set the
  log level to 1 + 2 + 32 = 35

  dotGNU DGEE> set loglevel 35

15. How do I clean the IPC resources?

  Sometimes IPC resources get into a mess and are not free'd properly.
  Goldwater supplies a tool 'gwcipc' to clear the IPC resources of the user
  that invokes it.  *Be Careful running this as root*

  This command is usually used when you really must clear up the IPC resources.

  If you run gwcipc as root you can supply the username of the user who's IPC
  resources you want to clean:

  shell> gwcipc nobody

  will clear the ipc resources for the user nobody.

  * Note that Apache often runs as nobody and you will put Apache into an
    unstable state by doing this whilst it is running.  You will need to stop
	and restart Apache if you run gwcipc as the Apache user.

  Apache and the DGEE usually run as the same user, so by clearing the IPC
  resources used by DGEE you often interfere with Apache as well.

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This page is maintained by Norbert Bollow <> with support from the DotGNU Developers mailing list.